Topics for membership meeting February 6, 2025
January 21, 2025
The Board of Directors is calling for a general membership meeting on February 6, 2025 from 6pm-8 pm. The location is the gym at Los Vecinos Community Center. We learned a lot from the annual meeting and are planning a better run meeting with the centers PA system, visual aids and more room for the membership to process information. This is a very important meeting, one of which all members should plan on attending. Tell your member friends and neighbors that may not receive these notices, that their attendance is requested. The future of the water system is at stake and the membership must participate in this process. The total membership has a duty to direct the Board of Directors how to proceed. The following are the topics to be discussed.
- Update on water loss rate and financial status
- Update on fluoride remediation recommendation from NMED and estimated cost of remediation
- Potential loan and grant sources and their conditions and stipulations
- Pros and cons of becoming a Mutual Domestic Water Consumer Association (MDWCA)
- Pole the audience on whether they want the Board to pursue reincorporating as a MDWCA
We really want to see everyone in attendance. If you can’t attend and wish to take part in the polling, call or email the office, we can take your input and list it with the general membership.
Thank You for your support.
Carl Walker
Water Manager
Tranquillo Pines Water Users Co-op
Office Ph: (505) 281-3668
Cell Ph: (505) 288-0214